When French gallerist Amélie du Chalard was a child, her grandfather advised her to always buy two works from the same artist: one to keep and one to sell. His wise words did not fall on deaf ears; inside the young Parisian's double-height apartment, every surface from floor to ceiling is adorned with art. “I was a banker in the beginning [of my career], and this permitted me to buy works of art,” says Amélie, who was raised by an artist mother and a collector father. “I never bought jewelry, but always art. And then I started to notice that I was surrounded by bankers who would probably never set foot in a gallery.” Curiosity piqued, Amélie began to show works of art in her own apartment and was immediately struck by an aha moment: “I saw how important it was for people to see works hanging in a living space.”
Interview for Clever by: Gay Gassmann